In our second homestead blog post article we get to chat with Jocelyn Flack from Railway Flower Farm in Mt Lehman Abbotsford.
Who are you, where do you live and what do you like about homesteading or operating your farm?
I’m a stay-at-home mom who is embracing my family’s farming roots that go back six generations. I decided to take my family’s health and wellness into my hands with not only the beauty of flowers but also growing our own vegetables. A couple of years ago I realized I was a bit lost after becoming a mom and I needed something that wasn’t just working but something that fulfilled me. That’s when I decided to start my flower farm journey, I already grew all of our own vegetables during the summer so why not add flowers to the mix? Sharing my flowers with people brings so much joy to my life and it’s something I’m passionate about.
How did you get started with homesteading or farming and what are some useful tips for those who want to get started?
I grew up watching my grandpa, grandma, and dad farm, it’s always been in my blood. I became a bit disconnected from it in my early twenties and then I realized how important working with the earth was for not only my physical health but my mental health too. I got a lot of my farming practices from my family but in recent years I’ve been learning about no-till methods and how to feed our soil to grow the soil food web. Which in turn creates healthier plants. YouTube was my best friend and finding people who have tried and tested these practices was hugely useful.

What are the products or services that you offer from your homestead or farm and where can people buy them?
I offer flower subscriptions and flower workshops during the summer, a sourdough starter and sourdough tools are coming soon and we sell garlic and asparagus on a bigger scale as well. We offer these for sale on our website as well as people can email to order. Our farm is located in the Mt.Lehman community in West Abbotsford.
What are the benefits of living on a homestead or operating a farm for yourself and/or your family?
Our family strongly believes it’s important not to lose the skills our grandparents used in their daily lives. We love the idea of raising our kids on a farm where they can see things grow from a seed and experience nature at their fingertips.
Who are some homesteaders or farmers who inspire you to get better and try new things?
Terra Flora Soilworks and all that they do to make soil healthy through composting inspires me.
Farmluxe and all she does on a large scale with her flowers absolutely amazes me, I hope to be half the flower farmer she is one day.
What is the one main life lesson that homesteading or farming has taught you about yourself?
How important it is to know how to work with the earth to create beautiful things. We need to nurture and feed our dirt in order to have a thriving flower farm and to grow the healthiest vegetables possible.
Outside of homesteading or farming, what do you get up to for fun in your personal time?
I love anything to do with nature, one of my favorite hobbies is horseback riding as well as hiking.
Lastly, is there anything else you would like people to know about you or your homestead/farm?
Nothing I can think of that I haven’t touched on already, let’s connect on Instagram below.
Wild Bluebell Homestead is a charming hobby farm located in Abbotsford that offers a range of hand-made artisanal products, curated vintage furniture, sourdough bread, and other homemade items. The homestead is dedicated to creating unique and high-quality products that are beautiful, functional, and long-lasting, plus each item is carefully crafted with attention to detail. Customers can expect a warm and welcoming experience and a range of products that are perfect for adding a touch of rustic charm to any home.
I loved reading this! Congratulations Jocelyn in doing the best job as a flower farmer, mommy, veggie grower, sourdough bread maker and the best daughter a mom could EVER dream of having. Yes. I’m her proud momma! 🥰