Homesteading Blog

Welcome to our crafting, farming, gardening, and homesteading blog website category page! Here, you’ll find a collection of informative articles and helpful blog posts to enhance your homestead lifestyle in Canada, the United States, and around the world. Whether you’re a seasoned homesteader or just starting out with a small garden, we’ve got you covered. Our experienced team has compiled a lifetime of personal experiences and information to help you succeed. Explore our articles on topics like gardening tips, growing vegetables, food preservation, DIY projects, knitting/sewing, woodworking, sustainable living, and the art of sourdough bread starters and handmade sourdough products. Our blogs provide practical advice, useful tips, and step-by-step instructions to help you meet your homesteading goals. Discover how to grow your own micro greens, raise chickens, build a compost bin, and bake with an organic sourdough starter. Learn about maintaining your starter, baking your own sourdough bread, and where to buy unique sourdough products. Our articles also cover natural remedies, sustainable energy, and living self-sufficiently offgrid. You’ll find our content well-researched and easy to follow, allowing you more time to enjoy your homestead. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced homesteader, explore our collection and start your journey today!

Achetez du Levain Bio Wild Bluebell en Ligne au Canada Livraison Gratuite

Achetez du Levain Bio Wild Bluebell en Ligne au Canada – Déshydraté, Actif, Inclut Livraison Gratuite et Guides Vidéo

Le Levain Wild Bluebell se positionne à l’avant-garde d’une révolution boulangère, introduisant les boulangers amateurs et les passionnés de cuisine au monde complexe des levains organiques, déshydratés/séchés et actifs. Ce levain exceptionnel, reconnu pour sa saveur robuste et sa fermentation vigoureuse, est un témoignage de l’art traditionnel de la boulangerie, tout en ouvrant la porte à une compréhension plus large des diverses cultures de levain. En explorant les subtilités de ces levains, nous découvrons les avantages et l’unicité des Levains Wild Bluebell, de leurs origines biologiques à leur commodité et vitalité dans la fabrication du pain, offrant des insights précieux […]

Achetez du Levain Bio Wild Bluebell en Ligne au Canada – Déshydraté, Actif, Inclut Livraison Gratuite et Guides Vidéo Read Blog Post

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Solar Rebate Grant Programs in British Columbia

What are the new solar rebate grant programs in British Columbia Canada for 2024? British Columbia is on the brink of a clean energy revolution, and the Government of British Columbia is leading the charge with its new solar rebate grant programs. For homesteaders, farmers, off-grid enthusiasts, and those living in small towns and cabins across the province, these initiatives offer an unparalleled opportunity to embrace sustainable living, reduce energy costs, and contribute to a greener future. Who Can Benefit The solar rebate program is designed to be inclusive, targeting a wide range of residents and businesses in British Columbia.

Solar Rebate Grant Programs in British Columbia Read Blog Post

Guide to Best Types Kinds of Glass Jars for Sourdough Starter Culture Canning Jar Brands

Guide: Best Glass Jars for Sourdough Starters

If you are looking for what the best glass jar brands and types are for sourdough starter cultures, then you have come to the right blog post article on Wild Bluebell Homestead. Maintaining a sourdough starter is a labour of love, requiring the right environment for those wild yeasts and bacteria to thrive. The choice of the container for your starter is critical, as it influences the ease of maintenance and the health of your culture. Glass jars are the go-to option for many sourdough enthusiasts due to their non-reactive nature, ease of cleaning, and the ability to monitor the

Guide: Best Glass Jars for Sourdough Starters Read Blog Post

how to make and use activated charcoal for digestive health on your homestead

How to Make and Use Activated Charcoal for Digestive Health

As a homesteader, self-sufficiency and natural remedies are essential components of your lifestyle. One of the most beneficial skills you can learn is how to make and use activated charcoal. This natural remedy has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments, particularly those related to digestive health. In this detailed guide, we’ll explore the process of making activated charcoal at home and its many uses, particularly for tummy aches, upset stomachs, sickness, and diarrhea. What is Activated Charcoal? Activated charcoal is a form of carbon that has been processed to have small, low-volume pores that increase the

How to Make and Use Activated Charcoal for Digestive Health Read Blog Post

How to Purify Water in the Wild Essential Survival Technique Guide for Bushcraft and Outdoor Survival Situations

How to Purify Water in the Wild: Essential Survival Technique Guide

When you find yourself in the great outdoors, whether for a bushcraft adventure, homesteading, or an unexpected outdoor survival situation, access to clean water is crucial. Water is essential for hydration, cooking, and hygiene, but in nature, it’s rarely safe to drink directly from sources like rivers, lakes, or streams. Contaminated water can harbour pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and parasites that cause serious illness. In this blog post article on Wild Bluebell Homestead, we’ll explore various water purification methods, their benefits, and how each process works. By the end, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to ensure your water

How to Purify Water in the Wild: Essential Survival Technique Guide Read Blog Post

How To Navigate the Forest Using Moss

How To Navigate the Forest Using Moss: An Ancient Skill for Modern Safety

Welcome to the Wild Bluebell Homestead blog, where we cherish and teach age-old survival and homesteading skills to our family, friends, and anyone interested in embracing the natural world. Today, we’re diving into an ancient technique that has been used for centuries to find true north using nature’s own compass: moss. This method is particularly useful in the lush, moss-covered forests of British Columbia Canada, nestled in the heart of the Pacific Northwest (Cascadia). Let’s explore this fascinating and practical skill that can help you find your way back to safety. Understanding the Basics: Why Moss? Moss is a simple,

How To Navigate the Forest Using Moss: An Ancient Skill for Modern Safety Read Blog Post

How to Safely and Efficiently Split Firewood With an Axe for Bonfires

How to Safely and Efficiently Split Firewood for Bonfires

Hello from all of us here at Wild Bluebell Homestead in the heart of Fraser Valley British Columbia Canada! At our homestead, preparing firewood is more than just a chore; it’s a vital part of our rustic lifestyle, deeply intertwined with the natural world and the cultural practices of local First Nations. As we gear up for summer bonfires, we’d love to share some insights on how we safely and efficiently split firewood using an axe, incorporating tips that reflect our local environment and experiences. Selecting the Right Wood We prioritize choosing the right type of wood. Our local forests

How to Safely and Efficiently Split Firewood for Bonfires Read Blog Post

5 Spring Season Inspired Sourdough Recipes From the Pacific Northwest using Regionally Foraged Sustainable Organic Natural Wild Ingredients

5 Spring Inspired Sourdough Recipes Made With Foraged Ingredients From the Pacific Northwest

Welcome to the Wild Bluebell Homestead blog, where we celebrate the bounty of the Pacific Northwest and the joy of baking with sourdough! As spring unfolds around us, the landscape bursts with new life and fresh ingredients, ideal for incorporating into our beloved sourdough recipes. Here in the Pacific Northwest, the arrival of spring offers a unique opportunity to explore the rich flora and fauna that our region provides. With a bit of research and a careful approach, foraging for local ingredients becomes not only a delightful endeavour but also a way to enhance the flavors of homemade sourdough bread.

5 Spring Inspired Sourdough Recipes Made With Foraged Ingredients From the Pacific Northwest Read Blog Post

Buy Reusable Bento Bag Online in Canada From Wild Bluebell Homestead

Buy Reusable Bento Bag Online in Canada From Wild Bluebell Homestead

At Wild Bluebell Homestead, we have long believed that the best creations are those that not only serve a functional purpose but also tell a story and support sustainable practices. Our latest offering, the vintage fabric reversible bento bags for sourdough bread, embodies this philosophy by bringing together the timeless traditions of sourdough bread baking and the modern movement towards zero waste living. Each bag is a celebration of craftsmanship, environmental consciousness, and the cozy comfort that only homemade bread can provide. The Story Behind Our Bento Bread Bags Inspired by Heritage and Sustainability Our journey with these bags began

Buy Reusable Bento Bag Online in Canada From Wild Bluebell Homestead Read Blog Post

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Buy Sourdough Starter Kit Online in Canada From Wild Bluebell Homestead

Greetings to all you lovely baking enthusiasts and curious culinary explorers! Today, we’re excited to introduce the perfect starting point for anyone looking to dive into the world of sourdough bread making—the Wild Bluebell Sourdough Starter Kit. This kit is not just a collection of tools and ingredients; it’s your first step towards mastering the art of creating delicious, crusty loaves right in your own kitchen. Why Choose the Wild Bluebell Sourdough Starter Kit? Our kit is designed specifically with beginners in mind, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable baking experience from the very first try. Here’s what makes our sourdough

Buy Sourdough Starter Kit Online in Canada From Wild Bluebell Homestead Read Blog Post

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Sourdough Starter Guide eBook PDF Download with Easy Step-by-Step Instructions

Dive into the fascinating world of sourdough bread wild yeast cultures and fermentation techniques with the Wild Bluebell Sourdough Starter Guide! This 28-Page eBook, conveniently available as a digital PDF download, is your definitive guide to mastering the activation, care, feeding, and maintenance of sourdough cultures. Designed with both novice and experienced fermenters in mind, our guide provides thorough, easy-to-understand step-by-step instructions that cover all of the crucial aspects of sourdough starter culture upkeep including humidity, temperature, altitude, water quality, flour types, feeding schedule, and so much more. Our guide provides an extensive glossary of terms related to sourdough fermentation

Sourdough Starter Guide eBook PDF Download with Easy Step-by-Step Instructions Read Blog Post

How to Build a Shipping Container Home

How to Build a Shipping Container Home: 1000 Sq Ft Rancher Style House Using 3 Containers and Wall Cutouts for the Slanted Roofing System

Welcome to the Wild Bluebell Homestead Blog! Today, we’re thrilled to introduce the first installment in our blog post series about building container homes for homesteaders here in Canada. In this post, we’ll explore the innovative and sustainable approach to constructing a spacious 1000 square foot rancher style house using just 3 shipping containers. This method offers a low-cost, high-impact solution for creating a sturdy and secure living space, while also incorporating the container wall cutouts into an innovative metal roofing system. By the end of this guide, you’ll learn how to use minimal materials to build a comfortable, eco-friendly

How to Build a Shipping Container Home: 1000 Sq Ft Rancher Style House Using 3 Containers and Wall Cutouts for the Slanted Roofing System Read Blog Post

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Buy Vintage Fabric Sourdough Starter Jar Cover From Wild Bluebell Homestead

Welcome to Wild Bluebell Homestead, located in the picturesque Fraser Valley British Columbia Canada. Our homestead is a celebration of traditional craftsmanship, sustainability, and the unique charm of vintage aesthetics. One of our most beloved creations is the vintage fabric sourdough starter jar covers, which embody our commitment to eco-friendly practices and the art of repurposing. Fabric vs. Traditional Lids: Why Choose Fabric? Breathability for Optimal Fermentation: Fabric covers offer a distinct advantage for sourdough starters by allowing air to circulate freely. This breathability is crucial for the fermentation process, ensuring that the starter remains active and healthy. Unlike plastic

Buy Vintage Fabric Sourdough Starter Jar Cover From Wild Bluebell Homestead Read Blog Post

best survival tools for bushcraft survival situations

Top 13 Best Survival Tools for Bushcraft and Survival Situations

Here at Wild Bluebell Homestead in the heart of British Columbia’s Fraser Valley, we understand the allure of the wild – its unpredictability and untamed beauty. But we also recognize the dangers that come with it. This guide isn’t about preparing for a leisurely camping trip or an ideal outdoor excursion. Instead, it’s about equipping yourself for those unforeseen circumstances when you find yourself truly stuck, lost, or in a remote area where survival becomes your primary concern. Think intense bushcraft survival situation. Fraser Valley’s wilderness, with its rugged terrain and dense forests, can be as challenging as it is

Top 13 Best Survival Tools for Bushcraft and Survival Situations Read Blog Post

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Starlink Satellite Internet For Homesteaders Living in Rural Communities of Canada

Our journey began in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, a city known for its stunning landscapes but marred by high living costs and limited opportunities. Seeking a more sustainable lifestyle, we moved to the Fraser Valley, embracing the challenges and rewards of homestead living. However, this transition brought into sharp focus the need for reliable internet connectivity, a service often taken for granted in urban areas. The Starlink Revelation In our remote mountainous location, traditional internet services were either unavailable or unreliable. That’s when we discovered Starlink satellite internet, a groundbreaking service by Elon Musk‘s SpaceX. Starlink has been a game-changer

Starlink Satellite Internet For Homesteaders Living in Rural Communities of Canada Read Blog Post

10 benefits of baking sourdough bread at home for yourself and family

10 Benefits of Baking Sourdough Bread at Home

Today’s journey at Wild Bluebell Homestead takes us into the heartwarming world of sourdough bread baking. This isn’t just a culinary endeavour; it’s a foray into a tradition that weaves health, happiness, and community together. As we explore the art of sourdough making, we uncover its profound impact on our lives. From the wholesome ingredients to the nurturing process, each aspect of sourdough baking offers unique benefits. Let’s dive into these 10 benefits, unravelling how each one enriches not just our meals, but our lives. Enhances Digestive Health: The magic of sourdough begins with its fermentation process. This natural method

10 Benefits of Baking Sourdough Bread at Home Read Blog Post

how to make leftover soup from turkey vegetables christmas holiday season rustic hearty recipe guide

Leftover Turkey and Veggies From the Holidays? Make Rustic Hearty Soup!

Greetings, fellow homesteaders and culinary adventurers! Today’s journey at Wild Bluebell Homestead is about embracing the art of rustic cooking, transforming simple holiday leftovers into a soul-warming turkey and vegetable soup. This isn’t just about following a recipe; it’s about engaging with our food in a more meaningful way, listening to our instincts, and savoring the process of creating something nourishing from what we already have. Let’s embark on this freestyle culinary adventure where measurements give way to intuition, and each pot of soup tells its own unique story. Ingredients: The Foundation of Rustic Cooking The Homestead Pantry: Embracing What

Leftover Turkey and Veggies From the Holidays? Make Rustic Hearty Soup! Read Blog Post

Top 10 Eco-Friendly and Sustainability Tips For Homesteading Families

Top 10 Eco-Friendly and Sustainability Tips for Homesteading Families

In a world increasingly aware of the need for environmental sustainability, homesteading emerges as a source of hope and practicality. It’s a lifestyle choice that empowers families to live in closer harmony with nature, fostering a deep sense of responsibility towards our environment. This guide dives into the top ten sustainable practices for homesteaders, offering a comprehensive approach to a greener, more self-reliant life. 1) Mastering the Art of Composting Composting is a cornerstone of sustainable living. It transforms organic waste into nutrient-rich soil, perfect for enhancing garden health. Begin by choosing a suitable location for your compost bin or

Top 10 Eco-Friendly and Sustainability Tips for Homesteading Families Read Blog Post

How is Maple Syrup Made and What Are The Steps and Process to Production

How is Maple Syrup Made and What Are The Steps and Process to Production

Welcome to the Wild Bluebell Homestead blog, where we delve into the sweet and intricate world of maple syrup production. This traditional craft, deeply rooted in Canadian heritage, transforms the sap of maple trees into the golden, velvety syrup we all cherish. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore each step of this fascinating process. Introduction to Maple Syrup Production Maple syrup production, or “sugaring,” is an annual rite of spring in many parts of Canada. The process hinges on the unique climatic conditions of early spring, where warm days and freezing nights create ideal sap flow in maple trees. Key

How is Maple Syrup Made and What Are The Steps and Process to Production Read Blog Post

Buy Reversible Handmade Vintage Fabric Aprons Online in Canada from Wild Bluebell Homestead

Buy Reversible Handmade Vintage Fabric Aprons Online in Canada from Wild Bluebell Homestead

Wild Bluebell Homestead is delighted to showcase our collection of sourdough baker aprons, each one a celebration of the rich tradition of sourdough bread baking. More than just kitchen accessories, these aprons are a homage to the age-old art of baking. Their design, inspired by the rustic and hands-on process of sourdough preparation, is intricately integrated into every thread, making them perfect for a wide range of culinary activities. These aprons represent a harmonious fusion of traditional artistry and contemporary practicality, designed to elevate the experience of every kitchen aficionado, whether you’re a novice baker or a culinary expert. For

Buy Reversible Handmade Vintage Fabric Aprons Online in Canada from Wild Bluebell Homestead Read Blog Post

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Buy Organic Apple Butter Online in Canada Handmade Locally in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia

At Wild Bluebell Homestead, we believe in preserving the essence of traditional recipes while embracing the bounty of nature. Our Organic Apple Butter is not just a spread; it’s a symbol of our commitment to tradition, quality, and the simple pleasures of life. Today, we invite you into the heart of our kitchen to explore the story, making, and joys of our Organic Apple Butter. Understanding Apple Butter: A Culinary Delight What Exactly is Apple Butter? Apple butter, despite its name, is a dairy-free condiment. It’s an intensified form of apple sauce, known for its smooth texture and concentrated flavor.

Buy Organic Apple Butter Online in Canada Handmade Locally in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia Read Blog Post

Red Huckleberries in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia Canada

Red Huckleberries: A Taste of British Columbia’s Wild Side

Welcome to the Wild Bluebell Homestead blog, a haven where nature’s treasures meet the art of sustainable living. Today, we’re venturing into the verdant heart of the Fraser Valley, British Columbia, a region renowned for its lush landscapes and natural bounty. In this corner of the world, where the mountains whisper ancient tales and the forests hold secrets of old, grows a small, vibrant gem — the red huckleberry (Vaccinium parvifolium). This jewel of the Pacific Northwest is not just a berry; it’s a symbol of the rich ecological tapestry and cultural heritage that define our region. Whether you’re a

Red Huckleberries: A Taste of British Columbia’s Wild Side Read Blog Post

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Buy Zenful Yoga Cork Mats in Vancouver: Sustainable, Comfortable, Durable

Welcome to another exciting feature on the Wild Bluebell Homestead blog, where we shine a spotlight on the talented crafters and small business owners who make our collective community so vibrant and unique. Today, we’re thrilled to introduce you to Emily, the innovative mind behind Zenful Yoga, a local business that’s making waves with its eco-friendly cork yoga mats. As part of our ongoing series to get to know the artisans and entrepreneurs in our midst, Emily shares her journey, inspirations, and the sustainable ethos that drives Zenful Yoga. Whether you’re a yoga enthusiast or simply passionate about supporting local,

Buy Zenful Yoga Cork Mats in Vancouver: Sustainable, Comfortable, Durable Read Blog Post

How to Get Featured on the Wild Bluebell Homestead Website

How to Get Featured on Wild Bluebell Homestead: Elevating Your Business Through Compelling Storytelling

Welcome to the heart of Wild Bluebell Homestead, a platform where the art of storytelling meets the dynamic world of digital marketing. If you’re reading this, you’re already part of a community that values authentic narratives and strategic visibility in the bustling digital marketplace. As a business owner, you understand the significance of not just being seen but being remembered. This is where our unique offering comes into play, providing a canvas for your brand’s story to be vividly painted and meaningfully connected with audiences both near and far. Crafting Your Unique Narrative Unearthing the Essence of Your BusinessOur journey

How to Get Featured on Wild Bluebell Homestead: Elevating Your Business Through Compelling Storytelling Read Blog Post

What Is Cowboy Candy How-To Make It At Home Step by Step Recipe Guide for Candied Jalapenos

What Is Cowboy Candy? How-To Make It At Home Recipe Guide

Welcome to the Wild Bluebell Homestead blog, where we explore the delightful world of homestead cooking and preserving. Today, we’re diving into a unique, spicy-sweet treat that’s been captivating taste buds across the country: Cowboy Candy. This delectable delight is not just a treat for the palate but also a fascinating story in the culinary world. What is Cowboy Candy? Cowboy Candy, commonly known as candied jalapeños, is a harmonious blend of spicy jalapeños and a sugary syrup. These bite-sized treats pack a punch of heat tempered by a sweet glaze, creating a perfect balance that tantalizes your taste buds.

What Is Cowboy Candy? How-To Make It At Home Recipe Guide Read Blog Post

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Sproutbox Metal Raised Garden Beds

Hello, fellow garden enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into the enchanting world of Sproutbox Garden’s metal raised garden beds, a true gem nestled in the heart of British Columbia’s Fraser Valley. Here at Wild Bluebell Homestead, we’re thrilled to share this journey with you, unveiling the wonders of these innovative beds. Sproutbox Garden isn’t just a brand; it’s a family-run beacon of creativity and sustainability in gardening. As we walk through their offerings, you’ll see how they’ve turned the simple act of gardening into a testament to environmental consciousness and community spirit. Why Metal Raised Beds? A Sproutbox Garden Specialty Let’s

Sproutbox Metal Raised Garden Beds Read Blog Post

Ocean Crystal Healing Buy Handmade Malas Bracelets Jewellery Crystals Locally in Mission British Columbia Canada

Ocean Crystal Healing: Malas, Bracelets, and Crystals in Mission BC

Welcome to the vibrant corner of the Wild Bluebell Homestead, where we cherish the opportunity to shine a light on the local artisans, cultivators, and homesteaders who infuse our community with their unique crafts, skills, and stories. It’s our joy to uplift and support the rich tapestry of talent that surrounds us, and nothing excites us more than learning from the creative and industrious spirits in our midst. Today, we’re thrilled to introduce you to Joey, the heart and soul behind Ocean Crystal Healing, who combines the beauty of crystals with a deep commitment to ethical sourcing and environmental stewardship.

Ocean Crystal Healing: Malas, Bracelets, and Crystals in Mission BC Read Blog Post

10 Essential Business Engagement Strategies for Craft and Farmer Market Vendors

10 Essential Strategies for Craft and Farmer Market Vendors: Cultivate, Connect, Convert

In the lush walkways of craft and farmers markets, where the hum of conversation mingles with the earthy scent of fresh produce and the vibrant hues of handmade goods, lies an opportunity for growth that extends well beyond the day’s sales. For Wild Bluebell Homestead and similar havens of local entrepreneurship, these markets are not just sales venues; they are a platform to sow the seeds of long-term business relationships, community presence, and brand recognition. This blog post will explore how vendors can maximize their results and reap the business benefits of attending these markets with a strategic approach to

10 Essential Strategies for Craft and Farmer Market Vendors: Cultivate, Connect, Convert Read Blog Post

2023 Christmas Markets Craft Fairs Events in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia Canada

2023 Christmas Markets and Local Craft Fairs We Are Attending

Immerse yourself in the essence of Fraser Valley’s artisan brilliance this fall, as Lou Meggiato of Wild Bluebell Homestead unveils a symphony of handcrafted treasures at various coveted craft fairs. In the crisp, inspirational air of autumn, wander through spaces vibrant with local creativity and community warmth. These events are not just markets; they are gatherings of heart, art, and local essence, a place where each product tells a story and each stall sings a song of community and craftsmanship. Hubco Brewery Market Date: 25th October Time: 4pm until 8pm Location: 33211 N Railway Ave, Mission, BC V2V 1E4 Step

2023 Christmas Markets and Local Craft Fairs We Are Attending Read Blog Post

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Conjuring Karma: Abbotsford’s Source for Handcrafted Bath Bombs

Welcome to the latest feature on the Wild Bluebell Homestead website, where we shine a spotlight on local talent, celebrating the passion and craftsmanship of our community’s crafters, farmers, and business owners. Today, we are thrilled to present an enlightening conversation with Tarah Borkristl, the heart and soul behind Conjuring Karma. In this interview, Tarah opens up about her journey, inspirations, and the lovingly crafted products she creates, which bring together the worlds of self-care and spiritual growth. Tarah, can you introduce yourself and tell us about your journey to becoming an artist at Conjuring Karma? Hi, my name is

Conjuring Karma: Abbotsford’s Source for Handcrafted Bath Bombs Read Blog Post

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Mission BC’s Best Pickles: Behind the Jars of “I’m Pickled”

Welcome to another delightful feature on the Wild Bluebell blog. Today, we’re plunging into the universe of pickles, but not just any pickles—artisanal, locally sourced, and community-rooted pickles from the creators of “I’m Pickled.” Located in the scenic area of Mission, British Columbia, this business serves up jars full of crunchy, tangy, and delicious pickles that also manage to capture the essence of the local area, from the soil to the seasons. But it’s not just about taste; it’s also about a unique blend of tradition and community that the “I’m Pickled” brand embodies. As we unpack the story of

Mission BC’s Best Pickles: Behind the Jars of “I’m Pickled” Read Blog Post

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West Coast Wild Child: Fraser Valley’s Go-To for Graphic Shirts

In the sprawling beauty of Fraser Valley, amongst the local legends that Wild Bluebell Homestead proudly showcases, we’ve chanced upon a real treasure: West Coast Wild Child. This isn’t just an apparel brand; it’s Tanya’s heart and soul, laid out in vibrant colors and patterns. From Mission, with fond memories rooted in Maple Ridge, Tanya has woven a tale that’s as much about community and connection as it is about unique graphic shirts. Today, we’re settling down for a cozy chat with her, hoping to share a slice of her world with all of you. Tanya, tell us a bit

West Coast Wild Child: Fraser Valley’s Go-To for Graphic Shirts Read Blog Post

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Barefoot Flowers: Best Local Flower Farm in Whonnock

Wild Bluebell Homestead Blog loves to showcase the talents and passion of local business owners and crafters. This time around, we’re shining the spotlight on Barefoot Flowers, nestled in the heart of Whonnock. Dive into this exclusive feature to learn more about the dedicated individuals behind the brand and understand the importance of supporting our local community. Let’s foster community spirit and get to know our neighbors a little better! Who are you, where do you live, and what do you enjoy about operating your flower business? Our names are Trina and Samantha Foot. We’re sisters by marriage but best

Barefoot Flowers: Best Local Flower Farm in Whonnock Read Blog Post

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AloeTerra: Handcrafted Self-Care Essentials from Langley, British Columbia

At Wild Bluebell Homestead Blog, we cherish the talent and creativity of our local business owners and crafters. By shining a spotlight on these gems, we not only support their endeavors but also foster a close-knit community spirit. Today, we dive deep into the world of AloeTerra, a thriving home-based business, and discover the passion that drives its founders, Michelle McKinnon and Phil Smith. Let’s find out more about this wonderful enterprise: Who are you, where do you live and what do you like about operating your home business? We are Michelle McKinnon and Phil Smith, founders of AloeTerra, located

AloeTerra: Handcrafted Self-Care Essentials from Langley, British Columbia Read Blog Post

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Buy One-of-a-Kind Handmade Kimonos Online in Canada: Repurposed from Vintage Fabric

Ah, the world of fashion! In all its splendor and glitter, it has been both a subject of admiration and a topic of concern for discerning souls like us. The fast-paced whirlwind of trends might be exciting, but let’s pause and ruminate over the unintentional marks it leaves on our dear Earth. The Textile Predicament: A Gentle Alarm In the vast tapestry of the fashion industry, some threads unravel a tale less told. According to the illustrious Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the industry generously contributes about 92 million tons of textiles to our world each year. Now, imagine the grand old

Buy One-of-a-Kind Handmade Kimonos Online in Canada: Repurposed from Vintage Fabric Read Blog Post

Mallory Gladman of WasteKnot Ecofriendly Green Sustainable Weddings and Events in New Westminster British Columbia Canada

Interview With Mallory Gladman of WasteKnot Weddings and Events in New Westminster

In an era where sustainability has taken center stage, many industries are reevaluating their practices to be more eco-conscious. The wedding industry, notorious for its excesses and waste, is no exception. Amidst this wave of change emerges WasteKnot, an innovative wedding planning business aiming to transform how we celebrate love. With a mission rooted deeply in sustainability and a unique approach that is both conscious and elegant, WasteKnot is setting a new standard for the industry. In this exclusive interview, we delve into the inspirations, challenges, and aspirations of the visionary behind this pioneering venture, learning more about how they

Interview With Mallory Gladman of WasteKnot Weddings and Events in New Westminster Read Blog Post

HubCo Brewing Brewery Craft Beer in Mission British Columbia Canada Hosting Craft Artisan Marketplace August 23rd 2023 from 4pm to 8pm at 33211 North Railway Avenue

HubCo Brewing Craft Marketplace on August 23rd from 4-8PM at 33211 North Railway Avenue in Mission BC

As summer paints the landscape with its vibrant hues, the folks in Mission are brewing something exceptional. The canvas? HubCo Brewing. The palette? A mesmerizing blend of craft, culture, and camaraderie. The date? August 23rd, from 4 pm to 8 pm. This isn’t just your ordinary craft market. It’s a rendezvous point where artistry intertwines with community spirit. It’s an avenue where local vendors become local legends, where businesses don’t just trade but build bonds. Where every handshake could lead to a collaboration and every sip of beer ignites a story. Sip. Shop. Support. Held at the HubCo Brewing in

HubCo Brewing Craft Marketplace on August 23rd from 4-8PM at 33211 North Railway Avenue in Mission BC Read Blog Post

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Creating Change with Cookies: An Inside Look at ‘Bar Down Cookies’ in Clayton Heights Who Support ‘KidSport Vancouver’

article photos by @eatsfromyvr on Instagram… In our most recent blog post article, we get to chat with local entrepreneurs shaking up the cookie scene and having a lot of fun with quality ingredients and selling cookies in squares instead of circles, they eat more like a brownie and taste like cookies made in heaven. Super thick cookies that are hand-made from scratch. A snacker’s dream! Check out the interview below and learn more about the sibling founders. They are also doing charitable community work, too! Who are you, where do you live, and what do you like about operating

Creating Change with Cookies: An Inside Look at ‘Bar Down Cookies’ in Clayton Heights Who Support ‘KidSport Vancouver’ Read Blog Post

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Supporting Local Economies and School Fundraising: How ‘Little Shop Talk’ Harnesses Small Business Coupon Books for Greater Good

In our most recent blog post article, we get to chat with Carey from Little Shop Talk, who sells small business coupon books at local schools to raise money for the school system right here in Abbotsford, Mission, and the surrounding areas of the Fraser Valley, Lower Mainland, and Metro Vancouver, while advertising and promoting local businesses AND teaching the students about entrepreneurship while doing community outreach. You have got to check out this article, there is so much community-uplifting going on at Little Shop Talk! We encourage all local small business owners to reach out and chat with Carey.

Supporting Local Economies and School Fundraising: How ‘Little Shop Talk’ Harnesses Small Business Coupon Books for Greater Good Read Blog Post

interview with Brooke Kuyer from wren & jane custom sewing and sewed products and goods in abbotsford british columbia canada

Interview With Brooke Kuyer From Wren&Jane in Abbotsford

In our most recent community blog post article we get to chat with Brooke Kuyer from Wren & Jane based here in Abbotsford, they do different types of custom sewing as well as create sewed products and goods, learn more about their business below and consider connecting with them on Instagram. Who are you, where are you located, and what aspects of running your apparel design business do you enjoy? My name is Brooke. Almost seven years ago, we relocated from Vancouver to Abbotsford. Since then, we have thoroughly enjoyed settling down, building connections, and carving out time to explore

Interview With Brooke Kuyer From Wren&Jane in Abbotsford Read Blog Post

homesteading community product marketplace in canada of supporting local businesses farmers crafters homesteaders with sales to buy online

Harnessing the Power of Community: Why You Should Be Featured on Wild Bluebell Homestead Blog

In the era of digital integration, the notion of ‘community’ has evolved. No longer constrained by geographical borders, it now thrives in the digital world, connecting like-minded individuals from every global niche. Bearing this in mind, the Wild Bluebell Homestead blog emerges as a lighthouse, a common ground created to bolster and inspire those who are the very essence of humanity – the homesteaders, farmers, artisans, and others exemplifying the spirit of self-reliance and creativity. A Collaborative Platform for Mutual Values With a committed base of readers sharing a profound admiration for eco-friendly living, traditional arts, crafts, and agricultural methods,

Harnessing the Power of Community: Why You Should Be Featured on Wild Bluebell Homestead Blog Read Blog Post

ben&junie crochet handmade small batch animals toys stuffies kids family products by marie and heather in abbotsford british columbia canada

Interview With Marie and Heather from Ben&Junie Handmade in Abbotsford

In our most recent homesteading blog post article, we get to chat with Marie and Heather from Ben&Junie Handmade based in Abbotsford, they make one-of-a-kind small-batch and hand-made crochet animals and other goodies. Check them out at local farmers’ markets and connect with them at the bottom of this blog post. Who are you, where are you located, and what aspects of running your home business do you enjoy? We are Heather and Marie, friends who first met when we had our children, Ben and June. Both of us were born and raised in Abbotsford, and we attend the same

Interview With Marie and Heather from Ben&Junie Handmade in Abbotsford Read Blog Post

Sea Wolf Soaps and Bath Creations in Abbotsford

Interview With Jennifer & Colleen from Sea Wolf Soaps and Bath Creations in Abbotsford

In our most recent homestead blog post article, we get to chat with Jennifer and Colleen, from Sea Wolf Soaps and Bath Creations in Abbotsford, check out their story below and consider connecting with them on social media and at the local farmer’s markets throughout the area. Who are you, where do you live, and what do you appreciate about operating your craft business? Our names are Jennifer and Colleen, and we reside in Abbotsford, BC. We adore creating excellent products that enable people to indulge and treat themselves and others. We also take pleasure in meeting new individuals who

Interview With Jennifer & Colleen from Sea Wolf Soaps and Bath Creations in Abbotsford Read Blog Post

Cheryl Later from Wawas Jams and Jellys in Abbotsford British Columbia Canada

Interview With Cheryl Later from Wawa’s Jam’s and Jelly’s in Abbotsford

In our most recent homestead blog post article below, we get to chat with Cheryl Later of Wawa’s Jam’s and Jelly’s in Abbotsford, you can find her at the local farmer’s markets and she is super passionate about high-quality small batch hand made artisanal jam and jelly, and her products taste amazing! Who are you, where are you based, and what is it that you love about running your jam and jellies enterprise? Hello, I’m Cheryl, fondly known as Wawa, the driving force behind Wawa’s Jams and Jellies. I operate my business from home in the heart of Abbotsford, British

Interview With Cheryl Later from Wawa’s Jam’s and Jelly’s in Abbotsford Read Blog Post

Kristen Olthuis From Little House Creations in Chilliwack Hand Made Small Batch Local Artisan Soy Candles for Autism

Interview With Kristen Olthuis From Little House Creations in Chilliwack

In our most recent blog post article, we get to chat with Kristen Olthuis of Little House Creations in Chilliwack about her hand-made small-batch artisanal soy-based candle business, how the business got started, and what makes them different, we love learning about community members and supporting them and hope you do as well. For people with an inclination to support those who have autism, this is a good blog post to read and a business to support. Who are you and what do you enjoy about running your candle business? Hello, I’m Kristen, residing in Chilliwack, BC. What I find

Interview With Kristen Olthuis From Little House Creations in Chilliwack Read Blog Post

Dragana Skoro SoapScapes Natural Craft Small Batch Artisanal Soap Producer Company in Abbotsford British Columbia Canada

Interview With Dragana Skoro from SoapScapes in Abbotsford

In this most recent homesteading blog post article, we get to chat with Dragana Skoro from SoapScapes based here in Abbotsford British Columbia Canada, who creates and sells hand-made small-batch artisanal soaps with love and amazing naturally sustainable ingredients that are healthy for your skin and the environment. Check out what we discussed below and consider connecting with her on social media. Who are you, where do you live and what do you like about operating your craft business? My name is Dragana Skoro. I live in East Abbotsford and operate my small business from home. I have a decent

Interview With Dragana Skoro from SoapScapes in Abbotsford Read Blog Post

20 mental health benefits of homesteading in canada

20 Mental Health Benefits of Homesteading

In the vast expanse of Canada, where breathtaking landscapes blend seamlessly with a rich tapestry of cultural diversity, a growing number of individuals are turning to homesteading as a means to cultivate not only a sustainable lifestyle but also an oasis of mental well-being. Nestled amidst the verdant forests, rolling hills, and pristine lakes, this unique way of life offers more than just self-sufficiency and a return to the roots; it provides a gateway to a profound sense of tranquility and inner harmony. In this fast-paced, technology-driven era, where stress, anxiety, and disconnection have become unwelcome companions, homesteading emerges as

20 Mental Health Benefits of Homesteading Read Blog Post

Interview with Alexandra Fitzgerald of Wild Clementine Co reusable dish covers in Washington State United States

Interview With Alexandra Fitzgerald from Wild Clementine Co. in Washington

In this most recent homesteading blog post article we get to chat with Alexandra Fitzgerald of Wild Clementine Co. in Washington State! Who are you, where do you live, and what do you like about homesteading and operating your craft business? I’m Ali, the owner and maker behind Wild Clementine Co., based in southeastern Washington state, surrounded by wheatfields. I started my business as a creative outlet, and it’s really taken on a life of its own. My reusable dish covers tie in well with my homesteading hobbies as I’m always making sourdough or meal-prepping, or trying to store all

Interview With Alexandra Fitzgerald from Wild Clementine Co. in Washington Read Blog Post

Interview With Tyler Cartner of Wire Monkey Sourdough Bread Scoring Lames in Connecticut United States 82139

Interview With Tyler Cartner from Wire Monkey in Connecticut

In our recent homestead blog post, we get to chat with Tyler Cartner from WireMonkey, they make artisanal sourdough-scoring lames. Can you provide us with some background on Wire Monkey? How did the company come into existence, and what inspired you to specialize in creating handmade, artisanal sourdough bread lames? My wife started baking sourdough bread in the summer of 2018. This coincided with me finishing a custom CNC (computer numeric control) machine, aka a computer-controlled router. I was anxious to make something with my shiny new machine and when I saw her using a razor blade on a coffee

Interview With Tyler Cartner from Wire Monkey in Connecticut Read Blog Post

what was it like homesteading in canada united states during the 1800s

What Was Homesteading Like in the 1800s?

Homesteading in the 1800s was a challenging and often perilous way of life in both Canada and the United States. However, there were some differences between the two countries. In the United States, the Homestead Act of 1862 allowed settlers to claim up to 160 acres of land in the western United States. This was intended to encourage the settlement and development of the western territories. Homesteaders had to live on the land, build a house, and farm the land for at least five years before they could obtain full ownership of the property. Life on the frontier was difficult,

What Was Homesteading Like in the 1800s? Read Blog Post

Interview With Mike Vaona from Rosehill Sourdough in Eugene Oregon United States

Interview With Mike Vaona from Rosehill Sourdough in Eugene Oregon

In this homesteading blog post article, we get to chat with our friend Mike Vaona from Rosehill Sourdough in Eugene Oregon. Can you tell us a little bit about the history and background of Rosehill Sourdough? How did the business get started and what inspired you to start it? Rosehill Sourdough started on Rosehill Drive in Riverside California. I started my sourdough (Lucille) there. A lot of things happened at once. I had been making pizza for years, but couldn’t get the flavor I was looking for while using yeast. A friend of mine got diagnosed with an autoimmune disease

Interview With Mike Vaona from Rosehill Sourdough in Eugene Oregon Read Blog Post

reusable gardening grow bags for your homesteading garden in canada

Reusable Grow Bags For Your Homestead Garden

Are you passionate about gardening and the environment at your homestead in Canada? Then reusable garden grow bags might just be the solution you’ve been looking for. These eco-friendly containers not only offer a convenient and versatile way to grow your own plants, but they also help to reduce waste and promote sustainability. Made from durable materials like recycled plastic or organic cotton, reusable grow bags are designed to last for years, making them a cost-effective and environmentally conscious choice for gardeners of all levels. So, whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, join us as we explore

Reusable Grow Bags For Your Homestead Garden Read Blog Post

things to do stuff to see outdoors for free abbotsford british columbia canada

Things To Do and Stuff to See Outdoors for Free in Abbotsford BC

Are you looking for things to do and stuff to see outdoors with your family that doesn’t cost any funds? Check out our blog post for tips. Mill Lake Park: This scenic park offers a peaceful escape from city life. Visitors can enjoy a picnic, take a leisurely stroll around the lake, or rent a paddleboat. Discovery Trail: This picturesque trail spans over 30 kilometers and provides stunning views of the Fraser Valley. It offers the opportunity to walk, jog or cycle through forests, wetlands, and farmland. Sumas Mountain: Hiking up Sumas Mountain offers breathtaking vistas of the surrounding area.

Things To Do and Stuff to See Outdoors for Free in Abbotsford BC Read Blog Post

buy dehydrated organic sourdough bread starter culture online in canada from wild bluebell homestead

Buy Organic Wild Bluebell Sourdough Starter Online in Canada – Dehydrated, Active, Includes Free Shipping and Video Guides

Wild Bluebell Sourdough Starter stands at the forefront of a baking revolution, introducing home bakers and culinary enthusiasts to the intricate world of organic, dehydrated/dried, and active sourdough starters. This exceptional starter, known for its robust flavor and vigorous fermentation, is a testament to the art of traditional bread making, yet it also opens the door to a broader understanding of various sourdough cultures. As we delve into the nuances of these starters, we uncover the benefits and uniqueness of Wild Bluebell Sourdough Starters, from their organic origins to their convenience and vitality in bread making, providing invaluable insights for

Buy Organic Wild Bluebell Sourdough Starter Online in Canada – Dehydrated, Active, Includes Free Shipping and Video Guides Read Blog Post

Melanie and Marika of Flowers by the Frasfer Flower Farm in Abbotsford British Columbia Canada

Meet Our Friends Melanie and Marika of Flowers by the Fraser in Abbotsford

Check out our newest homesteader-style blog post where we got to chat with Melanie and Marika from Flowers by the Fraser. Who are you, where do you live and what do you like about homesteading or operating your farm? We are a small, mother (Melanie) and daughter (Marika) owned flower farm in Abbotsford British Columbia Canada. We grow all of our flowers using organic, sustainable methods. We love bringing joy to people through our cut flowers!  How did you get started with homesteading or farming and what are some useful tips for those who want to get started? Marika- I

Meet Our Friends Melanie and Marika of Flowers by the Fraser in Abbotsford Read Blog Post

Dana Dykema from Valley to Shore Seasonal Produce Vegetables Fruits Boxes For Sale and Delivery in Metro Vancouver

Dana Dykema from Valley to Shore Chats Community and Harvest Boxes

In our newest homestead blog post, we get to chat with our friend Dana Dykema from Valley to Shore in Lynn Valley North Vancouver. Who are you, where do you live and what do you like about homesteading and operating your business ? My name is Dana Dykema. I live on the North Shore with my husband and four children. As my kids have grown, I have learned the importance of sourcing local, seasonal foods and how to make meals from scratch. I like that I am sourcing food for my family and using that to meal plan for the

Dana Dykema from Valley to Shore Chats Community and Harvest Boxes Read Blog Post

history of clayburn village church schoolhouse company town in abbotsford british columbia canada

Clayburn Village in Abbotsford: History of British Columbia’s First Company Built Town

Nestled in the picturesque Fraser Valley of British Columbia, Canada, is the quaint Clayburn Village, a testament to the region’s rich industrial past. Established in 1905 as a company town by the Clayburn Company, a leading manufacturer of bricks and clay products, the village has a unique history and culture that has stood the test of time. The Clayburn Village is well-known for its distinctive style, featuring brick buildings and well-maintained streets. It’s hard to imagine that the village was once just a small hub for the local brick-making industry, with the Clayburn Company providing housing for its employees, as

Clayburn Village in Abbotsford: History of British Columbia’s First Company Built Town Read Blog Post

homesteading in canada dominion land act april 14 1872

Homesteading in Canada and the Dominion Land Act of 1872

Homesteading in Canada has a long and fascinating history that has helped shape the country’s settlement and development. The practice of living off the land and being self-sufficient on a piece of property has its roots in the Dominion Lands Act of 1872, a significant piece of legislation that was passed by the Parliament of Canada to encourage the settlement of western Canada by offering free land to settlers who were willing to improve it. The Act was designed to promote immigration to Canada and encourage the development of agriculture and other industries in the western regions of the country.

Homesteading in Canada and the Dominion Land Act of 1872 Read Blog Post

What is the Difference Between Antique and Vintage Furniture and Home Decor in Canada and the United States

What is the Difference Between Antique and Vintage Furniture and Home Decor

Antique and vintage are terms often used to describe furniture and home decor, but they have different meanings and implications. Understanding the nuances of these terms can help you better appreciate and identify pieces in your home or while shopping. Antique furniture refers to pieces that are at least 100 years old. These items are typically considered to have significant historical, artistic, or cultural value due to their age, rarity, and craftsmanship. Antiques can be made of various materials such as wood, metal, glass, and ceramics. Antique furniture is often distinguished by its intricate details, fine workmanship, and ornate embellishments.

What is the Difference Between Antique and Vintage Furniture and Home Decor Read Blog Post

How to Save Money by Bartering and Trading For Goods and Services as a Homesteader in Canada and the United States

How to Save Money by Bartering and Trading For Goods and Services as a Homesteader

Bartering and trading can be an effective way for homesteaders to save money by exchanging goods and services without using money. Here are some tips for bartering and trading on your homestead: Identify your skills and assets: Determine what skills you have and what assets you can offer in exchange for goods and services. For example, if you have excess garden produce, you can offer it to a neighbor in exchange for a homemade quilt. Find potential trading partners: Reach out to friends, family, and neighbors who may be interested in bartering and trading. You can also search for local

How to Save Money by Bartering and Trading For Goods and Services as a Homesteader Read Blog Post

homesteading lifestyle principles to live by

10 Notable Principles for Homesteading

Homesteading is a lifestyle that emphasizes self-sufficiency and living off the land. To achieve the best quality of life as a homesteader, here are 10 principles to follow: Sustainability: Homesteaders strive to live sustainably, which means using resources in a way that does not deplete them for future generations. This can include using renewable energy sources, growing food organically, and practicing conservation. Self-sufficiency: Homesteaders aim to be as self-sufficient as possible, which means producing their own food, generating their own energy, and being able to meet their basic needs without relying on outside sources. Resilience: Homesteaders understand the importance of

10 Notable Principles for Homesteading Read Blog Post

history of matsqui village prairie first nations near fraser river abbotsford bc canada

History of Matsqui Village Nearby the Fraser River in Abbotsford

Matsqui Village is a historical locality in the city of Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada. The village was once home to the Matsqui First Nation and was later settled by European settlers in the late 1800s. The village was originally named after the Matsqui people who have inhabited the area for thousands of years before the arrival of Europeans. The village played a significant role in the early history of Abbotsford and the surrounding area. In the early 1900s, it was an important agricultural center, with many farms and orchards located in the area. The fertile land and favorable climate made

History of Matsqui Village Nearby the Fraser River in Abbotsford Read Blog Post

learn about companion plants for growing organic tomatoes outdoors in cool climates such as canada

10 Companion Plants for Growing Organic Tomatoes Outdoors in Cooler Climates Such as British Columbia and Western Canada

Companion planting is a natural and sustainable gardening technique that involves planting different types of crops together to provide mutual benefits. Companion plants can help deter pests, attract beneficial insects, improve soil health, and even enhance the flavor of the main crop. Here are some companion plants that can be grown alongside organic tomatoes outdoors in Canada: Basil: This herb is a great companion plant for tomatoes because it repels pests like tomato hornworms and whiteflies. It also improves the flavor of the tomatoes. Marigold: Marigolds have been known to repel nematodes, aphids, and whiteflies, making them a good companion

10 Companion Plants for Growing Organic Tomatoes Outdoors in Cooler Climates Such as British Columbia and Western Canada Read Blog Post

Jocelyn Flack Railway Flower Farm Mt Lehman Matsqui Abbotsford British Columbia Canada

Meet Jocelyn Flack from Railway Flower Farm in Mt Lehman Abbotsford

In our second homestead blog post article we get to chat with Jocelyn Flack from Railway Flower Farm in Mt Lehman Abbotsford. Who are you, where do you live and what do you like about homesteading or operating your farm?  I’m a stay-at-home mom who is embracing my family’s farming roots that go back six generations. I decided to take my family’s health and wellness into my hands with not only the beauty of flowers but also growing our own vegetables. A couple of years ago I realized I was a bit lost after becoming a mom and I needed

Meet Jocelyn Flack from Railway Flower Farm in Mt Lehman Abbotsford Read Blog Post

Courtney Barten The Local Harvest Farm

Meet our Friend Courtney from The Local Harvest Flower Farm in Chilliwack

Hey there, who’s excited about spring and the start of the gardening season? We Are! Welcome to our new homestead blog where we will introduce new people and businesses we have met in the community along with sharing crafting inspirations, recipes, and more, below in this blog post check out what we chatted about with our new friend Courtney from The Local Harvest, and if you would like to collaborate with us don’t hesitate to reach out on our contact page to chat. Have a great growing season everyone. Who are you, where do you live and what do you

Meet our Friend Courtney from The Local Harvest Flower Farm in Chilliwack Read Blog Post